29. aug. 2015

Runde Norge

11 kommentarer:

Babzy.B sa...

beautiful black and white ;)

Bob Bushell sa...

That is supreme.

Linda sa...

Beautiful and misty, I love it, Dirk! :)

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment sa...

Layer upon layer of textured landscape. Wonderful.

Jonny Langmyren sa...

Knall bilde Dirk.

Ute sa...

Wow, das ist ja traumhaft!
Liebe Grüße

Marty sa...

ich wünsche ich könnte fliegen um die
wolken und Berge von oben zu sehen

Irene sa...

Nydelig bilde ... trenger ikke farger med et så flott motiv!

Laura. M sa...

Parece que está emergiendo!!
Un abrazo.

Pantherka sa...

It is very beautiful!

Leovi sa...

Welcome back, I hope you had a happy summer. I've taken a vacation during the summer. Thank you for your excellent compositions, my new publications will be on:
Limbo Delirium
Black & White Abstract